women on the front line

Women’s uprising in Iran

As the second anniversary of one of the darkest days in Iranian history approaches, the women’s role in the uprising of November 2019 is undeniable. As of today, there are hundreds of female Iranian political prisoners serving sentences ranging from one to 25 years.

Looking at the people’s uprising in Iran over the years women’s participation is becoming more pronounced. There is one question that is asked here what made this happen? What made the Iranian women take it upon themselves to win back not only their rights back but the whole county’s?

Reza shah Pahlavi introduced a brand-new point of view for heavily suppressed women of Qajar in 1925, After Pahlavi took over the Qajar Dynasty, women were awarded more and more rights such as education, more liberal clothing choices, and all these new opportunities ignited the flame for women to start thriving in the society. After the revolution in 1979, some of these freedoms began to be revoked however these new rules and restrictions were soon to be challenged again, this time not by a man but by women themselves.


As time went by and social media started to pave its way into people’s lives, it became easier for Iranian women to ask for more liberties. And the fight still goes on. Social media has had a huge role in helping people get their words out. In recent years the number of female political prisoners has been rising because a new generation of women is saying enough is enough out loud however in a society where a woman’s voice is considered Haram, this does not sit well with the Iranian authorities. Since the popularity of platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have increased there have been numerous campaigns to battle different issues that Iranian women face in society every day.

Immigration has also helped a lot of Iranian students to come out of their shells and start trying to be heard. Freedom in foreign countries granted the opportunity for Iranian women the to talk about the issues they left behind.

Some women decided to leave, and some decide to stay but all work towards one purpose and that’s freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of their minds and bodies from the patriarchal regime. And in this endeavor education, social media, and immigration gave a huge helping hand to them and got them one step close to achieving their goals